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In the midst of your daily life with its challenges Jesus has an easy yoke for you to walk in. Following Jesus is meant to be a life of ease, delight, character growth, and adventure! Of course, there are challenges and pains to overcome but we can learn to do so with grace.
"Jesus is anointed by a sinful woman" is an unlikely title for a worship service today. But it is this woman, not a religious person, who shows us that the heart of worship is adoration and affection for the Lord Jesus Christ.
We can't be stress free because stress is part of life. But we can be worry free! (For the most part.) Jesus teaches us to find peace (freedom from fear and anxiety) in his kingdom -- even in the midst of stressful situations.
Everyone wants to be happy. We think it an American right. But you can't be happy by pursuing happiness. The way to be happy is in practicing the presence of God. In Philippians, the most joyful book in the Bible, the Apostle Paul shows us how to do this and he's in jail, not a palace or a monastery.


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