- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Practicing God's Presence ,
- Apprentice Prayer ,
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Scripture Meditation ,
- Trust God in Trials ,
Tune into “Soul Talks” and join us as we cultivate intimacy with Jesus in life, love, and leadership
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- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Practicing God's Presence ,
- Gratitude ,
- Growth ,
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Scripture Meditation ,
This Week on Soul Talks The new year is typically a time to “leave the old behind” and “look forward to the new.” But it’s easy to become so future-oriented that you miss Jesus’ presence with you here and now! That’s why it’s powerful to reflect and rejoice in Christ before you turn the page…
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- surpising joy ,
- Practicing God's Presence ,
- Advent ,
- Growth ,
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Joy! ,
- Scripture Meditation ,
This Week on Soul Talks Followers of Jesus carry the joy and power of his presence everywhere they go! This means we can cheerfully spread his mighty love to others during ordinary moments of everyday life. But opposition like hurry, stress, or over-earnestness can cause us to miss Jesus’ warm smile toward us and those…
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- surpising joy ,
- Practicing God's Presence ,
- Advent ,
- Growth ,
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Joy! ,
- Scripture Meditation ,
This Week on Soul Talks Many of us only skim the surface when it comes to spiritual growth because we don’t know how to relate to Jesus personally. Yet an under recognized and undervalued part of growth in Christlikeness is immersion in Jesus’ presence. Engaging your senses through spiritual practices like Gospel meditation helps you…
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- surpising joy ,
- Truth ,
- Advent ,
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Joy! ,
- Scripture Meditation ,
- Stories ,
This Week on Soul Talks It’s easy to miss the many ways Papa God reveals his abundant love for us through Jesus. Focusing only on “major” themes when reading the Gospels (although this is good) can cause us to miss the “minor” yet meaningful ways Jesus expresses Abba’s heart. Thankfully, practicing slow and prayerful Scripture…
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- surpising joy ,
- Truth ,
- Advent ,
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Joy! ,
- Scripture Meditation ,
- Stories ,
This Week on Soul Talks Do you feel disconnected from the Christmas Story? It’s easy to feel like Mary, Zechariah, or the Innkeeper are “characters” or “super saints” far removed from real life in God. But diving into the ancient context and practicing prayerful meditation will help us find our story within the Advent Story. …
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- surpising joy ,
- Truth ,
- Advent ,
- Family ,
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Joy! ,
- Ministry Stress ,
This Week on Soul Talks Does the responsibility of decision-making leave you feeling overwhelmed or anxious? As life and ministry move forward, all of us face the reality that there’s too much to carry without Jesus. This is when we can learn to lean on Immanuel who wants to journey with us, help shoulder the…
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- surpising joy ,
- Advent ,
- Family ,
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Joy! ,
- Parenting ,
This Week on Soul Talks Did you know that Jesus delights in the little child inside of you? It might be hard for some of us to believe that he wants to make us smile and laugh like an elated youngster during the holidays. But our Savior continues to pursue us out of his deep…
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Disappointment ,
- Emotional Honesty ,
- Family ,
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Parenting ,
- Trust God in Trials ,
This Week on Soul Talks Any close relationship can bring us pain or grief when those we love make choices that are opposite of what we desired. This is especially true for parents with adult children. Thankfully, we can learn to trust our Perfect Father to teach us how to transition into a new season…
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Spiritual Director ,
- Emotional Honesty ,
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Smile! ,
- Trust God in Trials ,
This Week on Soul Talks All of us know (maybe a little too well) that problems are everyday occurrences. Simultaneously, God’s kingdom is always open to us and the risen Christ is present in every trial. Learning to put our problems in light of Jesus’ smile helps us stay present to our Best Friend and…