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Copyright Guidelines and Permission Examples

You may freely use, share, and reproduce Soul Shepherding content for personal or noncommercial (not sell or monetize) uses provided that when publishing textual content online or in hard copy, only quotes and short excerpts may be used, not the entire work.

For audio and video content online, you may embed the entire unaltered original content from this website in another webpage but not reproduce, redistribute, or re-upload by other methods without prior written permission from Soul Shepherding.

In all cases of republishing, include the following attribution:

By Drs. Bill and Kristi Gaultiere.
(Cite the title of the book, resource, or blog with a hyperlink.)
© Soul Shepherding, soulshepherding.org

Please include the author bio, where appropriate:

Drs. Bill and Kristi Gaultiere are the founders and leaders of Soul Shepherding.
Soul Shepherding provides spiritual and emotional health resources, care, and training
to help pastors, missionaries, and all who desire to thrive with Jesus in life and leadership.
You may find more information about our services at

Soul Shepherding