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Spiritual Direction Certificate Reading List

Books Recommended by Bill & Kristi Gaultiere

Sometimes a book opens our heart to heaven. Other times it offers us new, God-inspired paradigms for life and ministry with Jesus. Here are some books that we hope will do both for you!

These books are part of our Soul Shepherding Institute, which includes the option of completing Spiritual Direction Training and Certification. In 2013 we launched this retreat-based program in “Spiritual Formation and Soul Care Ministry” to nourish and train pastors, spiritual directors, and other men and women in ministry for living and ministering as apprentices of Jesus. Our Institute is a two-year process of attending retreats in community, study, practicing spiritual disciplines, and being personally cared for and mentored by Bill and Kristi. (To learn more visit “Institute: Spiritual Formation and Soul Care Retreats.”)

To earn a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Soul Shepherding, Inc. students will read 17 books and resources during their two-year program. The Certificate Completion Planner lists the required books, online classes, and other aspects of the program. The Spiritual Direction Training program required reading is listed below along with optional reading resources geared toward each Institute retreat.

Required Reading for Spiritual Direction Training Program

Optional Reading for the Spiritual Direction Training Program

Optional Reading for the Institute Retreats

Spiritual Formation (Retreat 1)

Spiritual and Psychological Development (Retreat 2)

Soul Care Ministry (Retreat 3)

Relationally Healthy Leadership (Retreat 4)

Enneagram Resources

To purchase the books from Amazon at their best price, click on the blue highlighted links. A portion of the sale will go back to the nonprofit ministry of Soul Shepherding.

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