- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Apprentice of Jesus ,
- Joy! ,
Tune into “Soul Talks” and join us as we cultivate intimacy with Jesus in life, love, and leadership
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- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Apprentice of Jesus ,
- Renewal ,
This two-minute prayer has propelled spiritual renewal for many servants of the Lord. You’ll be inspired to pray it over and over and watch what God will do in your life and ministry!
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Breath Prayers ,
- Prayer ,
Bill and Kristi share specific Breath Prayers From the Bible and guide you in how to use them to refresh and renew in God’s Word and to intercede for other people.
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Depression ,
- Hope ,
In the darkness of winter (including Seasonal Affective Disorder) and in holiday stress our body and soul long for the light and warmth of Christ. He comes to us!
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Intimacy with Jesus ,
- Joy! ,
Bill and Kristi talk about what it’s like to receive and trust God’s loving affirmation and to fight off Satan’s accusations.
The great hope of our lives is meeting Jesus face to face in heaven. The Bible teaches that we’re sowing our bodily lives like seeds that will blossom as resurrection bodies in heaven. This hope can sustains us through discouragement, stress, and grief. It’s our source of faith, love, joy and peace.
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Advent ,
- Identity in Christ ,
Bill and Kristi share an advent devotional practice that facilitates heart-warming spiritual conversation with friends and family (even school-aged children).
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Boundaries ,
- Family ,
Children need care to learn to bond in relationship and to develop boundaries. Parents need to have limits with their children for their own relationship with God. This looks different for infants, pre-schoolers, school-aged, and young adults. Bill and Kristi share some practical strategies.
Bill and Kristi talk about effective parenting and putting priority on your marriage as a way to love your children drawing from Psalm 127 which calls us to be a family that rests in the Lord.
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Empathy for Emotions ,
- Peace ,
Bill has an emotional day and for someone who has historically been a strong thinker and an active do-er this is news! Kristi talks with him about when he used to repress his emotions versus feeling and expressing them now. The benefits are greater friendship and peace.