No matter what happens, you have control over your thoughts.
Your mind is the battleground of your life. It is because of your thinking that you may become depressed or anxious, give over control of your life to a demanding person or to alcohol, or be oppressed by Satan and his demons.
We talk with ministry leaders and Christ-followers of all kinds who without realizing it open the door of their heart (which is their thinking) to Satan, who is the father of lies (John 8:44) and the accuser of God’s people (Revelation 12:10). They need to learn how to put on the helmet of salvation.
Do you wear the helmet of salvation as you go about your daily life? Do you keep your mind renewed in God’s words?
Renewing your mind in Scripture is like breathing. You have to do it continually to stay alive! Memorizing Scripture and turning it over and over in your mind is fundamental to living in the abundant life of God that Jesus brings.
Spiritual Warfare
The word of God is your sword for battle against demonic powers and all kinds of enemies, including the critic who lives in your head. It’s the only offensive weapon you need to overcome darkness. When Jesus was tempted by Satan to act on his own without depending the Father he pushed Satan back by quoting Scripture (Matthew 4:1-11).
Spiritual warfare is an essential type of prayer. It’s what we’re doing when we pray with Jesus, “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13). It’s what when we pray the precious and powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ because, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and they are safe” (Proverbs 18:10).
The Psalmist shows us the importance of spiritual warfare and how to do it. Psalm 140 is an example. It begins: “Rescue me, O Lord, from evil people…”
Inspired by Psalm 140:6-7 I wrote a little “Helmet of Salvation Prayer” that has helped me. As you pray it visualize yourself putting on a helmet that Jesus hands to you:
Helmet of Salvation Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ
Shield my head in battle;
I fix my thoughts on your mercy and strength.1
Lord Jesus Christ
Put on me your helmet of salvation;
I live uprightly before you.2
Lord Jesus Christ
Form my mind with your words;
I capture every thought to obey you.3
Pray for Deliverance
Try using the Helmet of Salvation Prayer as you pray about a specific struggle you are dealing with. Use it to “watch and pray” with Jesus in order to prevail in a trial or temptation.
How are you under attack? What do you need to be delivered from? Maybe someone has said judgmental things about you that you’re believing. Or you’re feeling lonely and wanting to comfort yourself with food. Or you’re angry and prone to say or do something you’d regret.
Imagine yourself in that situation and that pray for God’s deliverance.
(You can do the same thing for someone that God puts on your heart to intercede for.)
More Soul Shepherding
“Renew your Mind and Life through Romans 8” shows you how you can use this powerful chapter of the Bible to be free to live in God’s grace.
Learn more about the value of Scripture Memory.
The words of God and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ are the foundation Soul Shepherding.