Your desire is to grow in trust in the Lord. That’s why the top article on Soul Shepherding’s website this year was Fear Not! 365 Days a Year with over 53,000 views.
We had 975,000 page views in 2018! We are grateful to hear from pastors and leaders that our content is helping them grow in apprenticeship to Christ–and to help others to do the same.
Our other top articles this year focused on the Father’s love, spiritual disciplines, experiencing God’s presence and solitude and silence.
We care deeply about offering you free content that’s especially geared for the souls of men and women who minister to others. In 2018, thousands found the Lectio Divina Guides to be helpful.
Here are the Top 5 articles of 2018:
Reasons Why Christian Leaders Fail
Life Without Lack: Dallas Willard’s Psalm 23 Prayer
A Prayer for Pastors (And Anyone Who Ministers to Others)
Women as Pastors, Elders, and Teachers in Bible-Based Churches
We continued sharing our hearts with you in our weekly Soul Talks podcast. We were able to connect with over 85,000 people this year through a variety of conversations on life, love, and leadership with Jesus.
Here are the most-listened-to podcasts of 2018:
Pastor Appreciation: Women in Ministry
Pastor Appreciation: Ministry in the Smile of the Father
Intimacy with Jesus in Leadership
If you’re not already listening in each week, these would be a great place to start. You can find us on your podcast platform. Leaving a review is greatly appreciated and helps other people find us!
We have a number of books and a course that continue to resource pastors, small group leaders, spiritual directors, counselors, and others.
Here are some favorites:
Sabbatical Guide and Sabbatical Guide course
Your Best Life in Jesus’ Easy Yoke: Rhythms of Life to De-Stress and Live Empowered
Lectio Divina: For you and Your Ministry
You can also find a range of videos with topics ranging from the Enneagram to empathy.
One of our most inspiring is this video of reconciling a pastor and elder board. It’s a powerful story of dealing with conflict by seeking Christ together in prayer and conversation.
If you’re not already, follow us on Instagram and Twitter!
We pray blessings on your 2019! May it be an invitation to deeper love and devotion to Christ.