Your greatest hope is to know the Father of Jesus as your Father too. That’s why the top article on this year was “Bible Verses on the Father’s Love” — it had 44,000 views.
In fact, we had over 1,000,000 page views in 2017! We continually hear from pastors and all kinds of people that they trust our content to lead them to Christ — for their own soul care and their ministry to others.
Our other top articles this year were on “spiritual disciplines,” “fear not,” “calming anxiety,” “hearing God,” “setting boundaries,” and “help for pastors’ wives.”
“Freely you have received so freely give,” Jesus taught (Matthew 10:8). That’s why a foundational value of Soul Shepherding is to offer free content that’s especially geared for the souls of women and men who minister to others. Despite the growing trend for Christian leaders and nonprofits to charge for most of their content, we created over 100 free resources in 2017, bringing the total to over 800!
Check out our Top 5 articles of 2017 (which ones have you gleaned from?):
- The Wounded Healer as a Spiritual Guide (Henri Nouwen)
- Calming Emotional Triggers by Kristi Gaultiere
- Immanuel Journaling Worksheet. (We’re thankful to our Soul Shepherding Associates Sungshim and John Loppnow for creating this resource and sharing it with us. To learn more read their helpful booklet, “Joyful Journey.”)
- Sweet Nectar for Your Soul (Praying the Lord’s Prayer with Jeanne Guyon)
- Help For Anxiety and Panic Attacks
A favorite ministry for Kristi and me is our weekly “Soul Talks” podcast. Our 20-minute conversations on life, love, and leadership with Jesus have been gathering more and more listeners. We’ve had 85,000 downloads in less than two years and recently we’ve been reaching 2,000 per week! It all happens right from our home studio — usually with our cat Charley purring in Kristi’s lap!
This past year, our most listened to podcasts were “Emotional Cut Offs Hurt” and “When God Breaks Through“. These topics represent Soul Shepherding’s speciality: spiritual psychology for greater intimacy with Jesus and one another.
If you’re not listening in each week, we’d love to have you join us! Just search “Soul Talks” on your Podcast App or on iTunes. While you’re there, it’d be awesome if you’d subscribe, give us a star rating, and leave a comment. (You can also find “Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere” on our website.)
This year we started offering Soul Shepherding video resources. Every week, we put two or three 45 second video clips on our Facebook page. To get Soul Shepherding in your news feed Follow us on Facebook (and Like our posts!). Speaking of video, we recently launched Soul Shepherding’s YouTube page. We’d love to have you Follow us on YouTube.
You can also Follow Soul Shepherding on Instagram and Twitter.
We do sell a few books and an online course (the revenue supports the nonprofit ministry of Soul Shepherding). Pastors preach sermons on these. Small group leaders use them as curriculum. Spiritual directors and counselors share them with their clients. All kinds of people use them to grow closer to Christ. Here are four of our books/courses:
- Your Best Life in Jesus’ Easy Yoke: Rhythms of Grace to De-Stress and Live Empowered
- Unforsaken: With Jesus on the Stations of the Cross (Great resource for Lent or a retreat)
- Jesus’ Greatest Teaching: Living the Sermon on the Mount (Powerful insights from Dallas Willard!)
- Digging Deeper in God’s Word (Online video course on using Lectio Divina for personal devotions and small groups)