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Lindsay Long

Sr. Spiritual Director

Northwest Atlanta, GA

Lindsay has been with Soul Shepherding since attending her first Institute retreat in January of 2018.  Having completed the Spiritual Direction Training program, Lindsay and her husband Jim serve as Spiritual Directors and currently assist Bill and Kristi with the Soul Shepherding Institute retreats on the East Coast.  She also works as a property manager for a commercial shopping center in Georgia.

After experiencing a “crisis of faith” 29 years into her walk with God, Lindsay hit a wall and asked the question, “Is this all there is?”  The question came from a place of discouragement, never feeling like she was doing enough or changing enough. Lindsay was experiencing God as a disappointed judge who was never pleased with her even though this was not the heart of God that she read about in the Scriptures. She asked the Lord to show her who He is and gave herself permission to step back, be patient and listen.  The Lord’s answer has led her on an inner journey of discovery, bringing healing, freedom, and joy in her experience with God. Lindsay is forever grateful to Soul Shepherding for giving her language and understanding for this part of her faith walk. She is excited to journey with others in Spiritual Direction to listen and receive God’s invitation to go deeper and experience Him more intimately. Lindsay and her husband Jim live in Kennesaw, Georgia. They are parents to three adult children and are daily companions to their two-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog, Henri.

You can contact Lindsay at lindsaylong3@gmail.com.


  • Certifications in Spiritual Formation
  • Soul Care and Spiritual Direction

Work Experience

Types of Care

Soul Shepherding