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Sing with the Trinity

Recently I was hiking up in the hills near my house and I was drawn to pray the opening of Psalm 121: “I lift my eyes up to the hills –- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Then I heard “the sound of music” in my soul… Heaven’s music. Scriptures proclaiming the humble and generous love of each member of the Trinity mingled with God’s creation. My soul was captivated by God’s beauty!

I wrote down what I heard for you. Listen and you’ll smile. I hope you you’ll join the song!

The Song of the Three

The hills are alive with the sounds of heaven;
It’s the song of the Three,
The gospel song of the everlasting hills,
The song my heart longs to sing…

The Father thunders from above:
“Jesus is my beloved Son and in him I am well pleased!”
The Son lifts his head:
“The Father is the greatest!  Worship him alone!”
“The Holy Spirit is most precious – never speak a word against him.”
The Spirit cries out from everywhere:
“Abba Father!  Jesus is Lord!”

The song of the Three is joined by all his creation:
The choruses of angels and all the hosts of heaven,
The chirping of the birds and the blooming of flowers,
The shining sun in the blue sky and the rippling stream,
The calling of crickets and the buzzing of bees,
The blowing of the breeze in trees and grass,
And the raising up of my hands and heart.

“Come!  Come!  Come!” echo the Three as One.
The Father rejoices:
“Come. I draw you to Jesus.”
Jesus with hands outstretched elaborates:
“Come. The kingdom of the heavens is at hand!
Come, follow me. I only do what I see the Father doing.
Come to me and I will give you rest. I will give you the Holy Spirit.”
The Holy Spirit pleads to all who are thirsty:
“Come to the living waters.  I’ll keep reminding you of Jesus’ words of life.”

Yes! Yes! Yes! All God’s promises are yes in Christ –
To anyone who will become an apprentice to Jesus.

The Father above smiles over me…
Yes, Abba, I love you!
Christ the Lord is before me with arms open wide…
Yes, Jesus, I want to be your friend!
The Holy Spirit lives within me…
Yes, Spirit of God, I want to be your temple always!

Sing with Me!

I hope you’re joining my song of love. The Father, Son, and Spirit — the Three-in-One — are singing with delight over you right now! Let’s respond with love for Father, Son, and Spirit — our one Lord.

Oh, my friends, what joy it is for us to step into the Kingdom of God, joining the sweet society of the Trinity, with the angels, saints, and all of God’s creation! Yes, Lord, may our relationships with one another be permeated with Trinitarian love such we serve and promote one another above self so that your name would be known.

You can learn more about the importance of the Trinity to your spiritual formation in Christ in my posts “O Trinity!” and “Enjoy the Hospitality of the Trinity (with Rublev’s Icon).”

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