Listen to This Episode of Soul Talks:
We continue our series on Feelings & Faith with a Soul Talk centered around the 5 practices of healthy churches, and how to develop more emotional honesty with God and others. Listen in to hear Bill & Kristi share insights on the healing pathway of sadness, allowing God to meet our needs, and ministering God’s presence to others through our empathy.
Episode Notes:
Check out our Journey of the Soul: Soul Talk Cards! They are perfect for spiritual direction, small groups and personal devotion times.
We have Sr. Spiritual Directors waiting and ready to listen to you with empathy and confidentiality! On the Soul Shepherding Sr. Spiritual Director’s page, you can find out more and book an appointment.
In the Soul Shepherding Institute, we’ll show you how to make space to hear God’s voice, be renewed spiritually, and engage in soul training that will equip you to thrive with Jesus in all you do as a pastor or ministry leader.
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