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Drawing on Jesus’ commission of the 72 disciples in Luke, Bill and Kristi share the challenges and fruits of caring for pastors from poor villages in Mexico.
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Rest ,
- Trust God in Trials ,
Bill and Kristi invite Jesus into their time away and find renewal, not only in rest and play, but also in sharing their emotional struggles and seeking the Lord apart and together.
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Empathy for Emotions ,
- Joy! ,
- Pain ,
You need spontaneous fun in your life. You also need to verbalize and understand your emotional distress. Bill and Kristi model this in their conversation about the pros and cons of an Abbey’s “rule of life” to not say anything bad about someone that you wouldn’t tell them directly.
We tend to separate sexuality and spirituality, but God put them together. God’s plan is for husbands and wives is to enjoy sex in the context of emotional and spiritual intimacy.
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Love for Neighbors ,
- Soul Friendship ,
Many people are uncomfortable looking someone in the eye and saying something they appreciate and admire about that person. Ideas on giving and receiving affirmations so that it’s truly a blessing!
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Dallas Willard ,
- Leadership ,
Dallas Willard's best counter-cultural leadership lessons that have shaped the “Soul Shepherding” ministry to pastors and leaders.
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Depression ,
- Grief ,
Asking for emotional comfort is different than complaining or wallowing in self-pity — it’s the path of regaining energy for life and ministry.
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Hope ,
- Trust God in Trials ,
Kristi's cat, Charlie, follows her around all day and purrs in her lap. But he’s scared of cleanings and needs a “severe mercy”! Bill and Kristi draw out lessons from their cat and the Bible on trusting God.
- Bill & Kristi Gaultiere Tags:
- Empathy for Emotions ,
- Grief ,
Do your emotions help or hinder your life and your relationships? Being vulnerable is different than dumping on people. Caring for people is different than rescuing them. Bill and Kristi share wisdom for processing emotions and maintaining objectivity in conflicts.