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Unforsaken: Your Greatest Need

On the cross, Jesus shows that you are unforsaken by God. It’s your greatest need. It’s the greatest need of the people you care for, teach, or lead. It’s Good News for everyone in today’s COVID-19 global pandemic.

This is the message in Soul Shepherding’s free gift for you and your church this Holy Week: UnforsakenGuide.com. (This digital guide is based on my little book called “Unforsaken.”)

Don’t fool yourself. You may think you’re strong, intellectual, or independent. You may think of some other people that way. You may even be intimidated by some of those people. The deeper truth is that there is a tender and vulnerable child in you and in the people around you that needs unconditional acceptance.

When you give a message, participate in a business meeting, work on a project with other people, talk to a friend, or have a meal with family, the people around you need to know they are understood and valued. If they don’t feel cared for by you then the wisdom or skill you offer will not be much appreciated.

On Jesus’ cross journey he shows each person he meets that they are unforsaken: 

As Pilate condemned him Jesus looked in his eyes and quietly loved him (Mark 15:3-5).

As religious leaders spat on him he picked up his cross to die for them (Matthew 26:66-68; John 19:17).

As his mother Mary suffered from a sword piercing her soul he drew close to her (Luke 2:34-35).

As Simon from Africa helped carry the cross Jesus ministered God’s mercy to him and his sons (Mark 15:21).

As women wept over Jesus being abused he comforted them (Luke 23:27-28).

As soldiers stripped off Jesus’ clothes, abused him, and crucified him he forgave them again and again (Matthew 27:27-31; Luke 23:34-35).

As two thieves on crosses next to Jesus hurled insults at him he offered them Paradise (Luke 23:39-43).

As Mary and John trembled and cried at the foot of the cross Jesus united them as mother and son (John 19:26-27).

As a crowd watched him die a brutal death he showed them how to submit everything to God as a loving Father (Luke 23:45-46).

While Joseph, Nicodemus, the women at the tomb, and many other disciple-friends of Jesus mourned his death Jesus raised from the dead to prove to them that they were unforsaken by God (Luke 23:52-53; 24:1).

On the cross, Jesus shows you that God is your Friend who will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Through Christ Jesus, we have empathy, forgiveness, unconditional love, true knowledge, power, and the best life forever!



Listen to today’s SoulTalk: Bill and Kristi process through each of the Stations of the Cross, which is available as Unforsaken, a free resource from Soul Shepherding. You’ll hear how each station is impacting them personally, especially in the midst of this global pandemic. Draw closer to Jesus as you walk with him through his’ journey on the cross.

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