I pray Psalms with Jesus — not because I’m good at prayer, but because I’m learning to pray! These Psalm Prayers will encourage you!
In the spirit of David, the Psalmist, My Psalms Prayer Book is my personal prayer journal that I have filled with my meditations, prayer poems, short abiding prayers, inspiring pictures, journal entries, and intercessions for others.
By Praying the Psalms my devotion to live my whole life as an apprentice to Jesus in his kingdom has been growing! Many people have found my meditations and short Psalms Prayers helpful. I invite you to join us in using these prayers for your personal devotions and in your ministry to others.
Currently I pray the Psalms by using the readings from The Book of Common Prayer. For a number of years I used a 60-day schedule that I developed: Praying the Psalms Morning, Noon, and Night Every Two Months.
One of the most helpful things I do when I pray from a Psalm is to go deeper with a verse or thought that the Holy Spirit impresses upon my heart. This has led me to write many abiding prayers which I like to pray over and over throughout the day.
I also sing the Psalms — even though I don’t have the least bit of musical talent! You can read my story and learn the benefits of this devotional practice in my article, “No Notes? Sing a Psalm Anyway!“
Psalm Prayers From My Psalms Prayer Prayer Book
Psalm 2: A Little Affection for our Great God, Kiss the Son of God
Psalm 3: Use your Christ-Shield to Deal with Criticism, The Lord is My Shield in Emotional Battles
Psalm 5: Waiting for Holy Fire
Psalm 16: My All in All: Abba, Jesus, Parakletos
Psalm 18: Rising to High Places with Christ (Psalm 18 Condensed), A Meditation on Psalm 18 (Psalm 18 in Pictures)
Psalm 19: God’s Word to Me
Psalm 20: The One Benediction You (and Others!) Need, In Jesus’ Name… Not my Strain
Psalm 22: Jesus and Abba at the Cross
Psalm 23: The Lord Jesus is My Soul Shepherd, Psalm 23 Pictures to Pray, Jesus’ Dark Night of the Soul (Psalm 23 and the Cross), Walk with Good Shepherd in Psalm 23, Psalm 23: Translations, Hymns, and Poems
Psalm 27: One Thing
Psalm 28: Lost and Found
Psalm 29: Smile and Skip to Hear God’s Voice, Listen to the Waves — Listen to God’s Voice
Psalm 31: Put it in the Father’s Hands
Psalm 32:5-7: A Secret Safe Place for You
Psalm 34: I am in Trouble!, Why Get Angry?
Psalm 35: Angry Prayers Can Bring Peace
Psalm 37:4, 23: The Smile of Jesus is Everywhere, Do Not Worry, Don’t Rush
Psalm 42: Waves of Love
Psalm 43: My Joy and My Delight
Psalm 44: The Other Side of Deep Darkness
Psalm 46: Inner Healing Prayer with Psalm 46
Psalm 46:10: Be Still as the Lake at Dawn, Be Still and Know Christ
Psalm 50: An Arrow Prayer to Help you Listen
Psalm 51: A Sinful Heart’s Cry for Mercy
Psalm 52:9: Jesus, in Your Name I Hope
Psalm 56: “Fear Not!” 365 Days a Year
Psalm 57: A Caveman Prayer
Psalm 61:4: Jesus is My Refuge
Psalm 62:1,5: In Christ Alone, Find Rest, O My Soul
Psalm 63:1,3: Thirsty for Jesus!
Psalm 65: Songs of Joy!, Morning and Evening Prayer
Psalm 66: Come and See
Psalm 67:1: God Dawns on You
Psalm 68:9: O Lord, Pour Down your Rain
Psalm 71: Be My Rock of Refuge
Psalm 73: See Jesus’ Smiling Face in your Heart!, Drink from a Deep Well of Devotion (Psalm 73 Condensed)
Psalm 74:19: 7 Spirit-Anointed Syllables (“Precious Dove remain on me”)
Psalm 77: In the Dark Night Remember God
Psalm 80: See the Smile of God (Father, Son, and Spirit Shine on You!)
Psalm 81: Open Up to Christ
Psalm 86: Devoted to You
Psalm 90: Here and Now
Psalm 91: In Jesus’ Shadow, Psalm 91 Meditation, Praying Psalm 91 with Jesus (Audio)
Psalm 92: Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry: A Simple Prayer for a Sabbath Day
Psalm 93: O Lord Jesus Reign Over Me, Waves of Prayer
Psalm 95: Come
Psalms 96-99: Rejoice! The Lord is Judge
Psalm 101: Eyes of Prayer
Psalm 103:15-17: God’s Wildflower, Bloom Where You are Planted (a Benediction)
Psalm 104:12, 17, 27-30: Don’t Worry – Listen to the Birds!
Psalm 110: A Message in a Bottle
Psalm 112: The Words we Need to Hear on 9-11
Psalm 113: How Could it Be?
Psalm 118: Jesus, Our Immanuel, Thoughts as Incense
Psalm 119: Sweet Words of Jesus, Good Shepherd is Looking for You!
Psalm 120:7: Prayer for Peace
Psalm 131: 2: Jesus is Enough for Me
Psalm 135:4: The Lord Treasures You, Chosen!
Psalm 136: A Psalm of Thanks and Praise (Psalm 136 in Miniature)
Psalm 139: God Cares for Your Emotions
Psalm 143: I Spread Out My Hands to You
Psalm 144: I Am Because You Are the I AM
Psalm 148: Abiding in Jesus and the Father