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Walk with Good Shepherd in Psalm 23

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” so begins the journey of a lifetime! (Psalm 23:1). Yes, Psalm 23 is a spiritual journey — a story that’s over 3,000 years old and one that’s being re-told in your life right now!

We love Psalm 23 because God uses its images and scenes to heal our hearts and guide our steps. In Psalm 23 we meet Jesus, the Good Shepherd (John 10:11), face-to-face wherever we are at in life.

Whatever you need, however you might be struggling, wherever you are at in your life’s journey, Jesus Christ is waiting for you in Psalm 23. He will lead you through the seasons of the soul that we all go through. He will care for you and guide you in the steps of grace that are imbedded in the Psalm 23 journey.

A Psalm 23 Themed Retreat

Psalm 23 has been so transformational in my life. I’ve been praying through it slowly and applying it to my life for many years. It’s also been a great blessing for many other people who I have shared it with in counseling, spiritual direction, and retreats since 1987. God uses it to wash our minds of negative images. He uses it to heal our hearts.

What a blessing it is to open your heart to Jesus and step into the story of Psalm 23!

Here is my retreat outline for the life transforming story of Psalm 23: “Walk with Good Shepherd in Psalm 23.”

A Journey of Transformation through Psalm 23’s Seasons of the Soul

Winter: Enjoying the Blessings of Resting in God

1. Worship: Humble yourself before Jesus as the Shepherd of your soul

2. Trust: Rest in the green pastures of God’s grace

3. Acceptance: Look into the still waters of God’s love to see yourself as he does

Spring: Beginning Anew

4. Confession: Cry out to Good Shepherd to restore you back onto your feet

5. Guidance: Follow Good Shepherd on the narrow path to true life

Summer: Growing Through Struggles

6. Perseverance: Take courage from your Lord to get through the scary Valley

7. Discipline: Let Good Shepherd’s rod strengthen your boundaries

8. Accountability: Pass under Good Shepherd’s staff for examination and help

9. Forgiveness: Forgive your enemies as your Lord forgave you to be at peace

Fall: Giving to Others

10. Ministry: Be anointed for ministry and overflow with God’s love to others

11. Maturity: Grow spiritually to be more like Christ and to leave a legacy

12. Oneness: Practice the presence of God wherever you are


Whether you have just a few minutes or want to set aside an hour or more for solitude you’ll find our Psalm 23 resources helpful.

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