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Support for your organization.

Partner with Soul Shepherding to help your church, organization, or team thrive with Jesus in life and leadership.

We know how difficult it can be to care for your own soul when you’re in ministry or leading other people.  The cultural way of growing your church or organization is to “make it happen” and get people to buy whatever you’re selling. Jesus’ way of growth is to become so full of God — his love, wisdom, and power, his very life — that people keep pressing in for more!

Contact us today to learn more about how we can partner to bring about changes in your church, organization or team.

We provide organizational support, consultations, and coaching for:

Ministry and non-ministry business leaders

Ministry and non-ministry organizations and their staff

Missionary organizations and their teams

Congregations and groups of various sizes


We help your group as you follow Jesus’ life-giving pattern in which personal growth leads to effectiveness and character gives you power.


You’ll learn to cultivate a relationally healthy leadership team, unite your team around God’s vision, and expand your ministry or business to reach more people.


We support you to bring changes in large and small communities of Christ-followers and in the culture of your organization.


We’ll help you renew your team in Jesus, leading them to find joy in their work and relationships, be activated to serve, and engage in work that blesses more and more people.

Soul Shepherding