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468 – The Fix – A Surprising Path for Transformation (Conversation with Ian Cron)

This Week on Soul Talks

Not everybody struggles with obvious addiction but all of us have a “fix.” The solutions we use to soothe our pain, meet our needs, and manage our lives apart from God seem to work temporarily but leave us with bigger problems. Thankfully, the brokenness of addiction serves as an invitation from Jesus to experience a level of intimacy and transformation that we didn’t think possible. 

Tune in for this episode of Soul Talks for a conversation between Kristi and Ian Cron — bestselling author, psychotherapist, and Enneagram teacher. Your heart will long to surrender everything to our compassionate and powerful God after hearing Ian’s story and insights from his new book, The Fix: How the Twelve Steps Offer a Surprising Path of Transformation for the Well-Adjusted, the Down-and-Out, and Everyone in Between.

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