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Jesus in Psalm 19: God’s Word to Me

What a blessing it is that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, through sacrificing his perfect life on the cross for us and raising from the dead to conquer sin, death, and hell, has reconciled us to God our Father! Just the thought of this blessing out to fill our hearts with gratitude that our sins are forgiven and we are accepted by God!

Today my heart was quickened with an appreciation for Christ and I spent extended time alone with the Lord in prayer and meditation. Part of that time I meditated on Psalm 19 as I sat outside by a lake in the sunshine.

The Lord Jesus in Psalm 19

In Psalm 19 we are reminded that God is speaking to us in his creation and his law.  If only we will be still… Open the eyes of our heart… Breathe in deep… Listen…

We see his beauty. We hear his wisdom. We know he is Love. We sense his heart reaching out to draw us close and embrace us in love. We trust his goodness transforming us into his own image. We share him with every person that we can!

O Beauty of beauties! O Wisdom of wisdom! O Word of life! O Jesus!

I appreciated the Lord Jesus in Psalm 19 — he is the Anointed One of prophecy and the One who fulfilled all righteousness. Perhaps my poetic meditation on Jesus in Psalm 19 will inspire you to spend some time alone in prayer, listening to God’s Word and appreciating the Name that is above all names:

God’s Word to Me

You are God’s Son shining in the heavens
I smile in your light

You are my Bridegroom coming for me
I hold you in my heart

You are my Champion rejoicing to run your course
I follow you

You are God’s Law restoring souls
I study and obey you

You are the holy sacrifice for my sins
I receive your mercy

You are more precious than gold
I give up all for you

You are sweeter than honey
I delight in you

You are God’s Word to me
I love to speak your name

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