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Can You Live Unhurried?

What if you never hurried? Could you live unhurried?

Lots of work to do? No hurry. Late for an appointment? No hurry. Sightseeing on vacation? No hurry. House needs to be clean and company is coming over soon? No hurry. Climbing the corporate ladder? No hurry. Dealing with a difficult person? No hurry. Can’t seem to get into a conversation? No hurry. Seeking help for emotional pain? No hurry. Behind in reading through your One Year Bible? No hurry.

“If you don’t hurry then you’ll miss out.” That’s the fear. It’s half true. You can do more if you hurry. But you won’t enjoy the experience very much and you won’t be keeping in step with the Spirit of God.

Jesus was never in a hurry — except to go the cross for us (Mark 10:32, Luke 19:28). The Father was never is in a hurry either — except to embrace us like the father who ran to welcome home his prodigal son and shower him with extravagant gifts of grace (Luke 15:20).

Abandon Outcomes to God

So why do we hurry? Because we’re running our lives and trying to get what we want. We want to accomplish more. We want to be important and we want to be liked by people. We want to be in control.

Being in a hurry causes us lots of anxiety. But if we put God in charge of the situations of our life then we will be peacefully unhurried. If in whatever situation you find yourself, instead of pressing, you pray and abandon outcomes to God then “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

To abandon outcomes doesn’t mean being lazy. As you deal with the situation at hand you’re responsible — response-able — to God. It doesn’t mean you don’t care or have emotions about what happens. Instead, it means that you are passionately indifferent to all things except one: loving Jesus and helping others to love him with you.

The only way to love is to be unhurried. “Love is patient…” (1 Corinthians 13:4). To be unhurried is the beginning of love.

“In Christ Be Easy… Don’t Hurry”

Recently on an unhurried Sabbath day, I was inspired by Jesus’ “easy yoke” invitation in Matthew 11:25-30 to compose this little prayer: “In Christ be easy… Don’t hurry.”

It’s just “Six Unhurried Words” but what a blessing that God gave them to me!

You might try it as a Breath Prayer:

  • Breathe in the peace and grace of Christ: “In Christ be easy…”
  • Breathe out your pressure to do more: “Don’t hurry.”

You’ll find this Breath Prayer especially helpful if you pray it as you anticipate a situation that tempts you to hurry. Then pray it in that situation, while resisting hurry, submitting yourself to the Lord and resting in his love.

Maybe to you, it seems weird or New Age to offer a Breath Prayer? The Breath Prayers that I use and share with others are “Breath Prayers from the Bible.” They are simple ways to engage your mind and heart with God’s Word by putting your body (rhythm of breathing) into the prayer.

Breathing the words of a prayer in and out is the best way I know of to live unhurried.

More Breath Prayers

To pray a short verse or paraphrase of Scripture as a Breath Prayer is refreshing and empowering. It helps you learn to practice God’s presence all day and stay in tune with the peace of Christ. I’ve selected key verses of Scripture and developed step-by-step instructions for meditation, breathing rhythms, and prayer in “Breath Prayer Guides.”

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