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A Little Affection for our Great God

We say, “I love God.” But do we say this with endearment? Delight? Affection?


Maybe we’re embarrassed to show affection for God, to let our heart hang out for him. Or maybe it’s that as we go about our day we forget him — we get distracted. If we’re not careful the presence of the Lord in our midst becomes like the wallpaper that we don’t notice anymore.


Today I’ve been praying Psalm 2. I’m using a little prayer I wrote to keep offering up expressions of my love for God because he deserves my best. The Lord deserves my whole heart!


My love falls so far short of what is fitting for our glorious God, but at least I can keep stoking the embers and rekindling a flame of love for him. My abiding prayer helps. (Hint: it helps to engage your heart if you pray this with a smile!)


Blessed Refuge

We adore you, O Abba!
We kiss you, O Christ!
We savor you, O Spirit!
We trust you, O Trinity!
Blessed are all who take refuge in the Lord.
(Inspired by Psalm 2:2b, 7, 12a)


More Soul Shepherding


Kiss the Son of God” is one of my favorite prayers of devotion, also from Psalm 2. This is truly a heart-warming prayer. Let it melt your heart. Let affection for Jesus inflame you.


Abiding in Prayer” introduces this way of prayer with teaching from the Bible.

Further Reading

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Soul Shepherding