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62 – Through a Dark Valley With Your Spouse

Listen to This Episode of Soul Talks


When your spouse or another loved one hurts you hurt. Pastor’s wife Susan Baugh shares her story of feeling alone, confused, and afraid when her lead pastor husband was opposed by church leaders and lost his pulpit. Here’s how to “carry each other’s burdens” to make it through a dark valley to see the sunrise. This is the last of the 4-week series, “Repairing Torn Hearts and Relationships.”

Watch the inspiring story of Bill Gaultiere (psychologist and co-founder of Soul Shepherding), Ken Baugh (former lead pastor of Coast Hills Church), and Matt Kearn (Co-chair of the Coast Hills Elder Board) share the story of their church reconciliation process.

Soul Talks was selected by iTunes as a “New and Noteworthy” Christian Podcast! We’d love to have you join our growing community of soul friends following Jesus!

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