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Jesus Makes You Good Enough!

Do you feel “good enough”? When you see a younger, more attractive person? When you hear about someone who is having more success than you? When someone else’s Facebook page is more exciting than yours?

Most of us are prone to compare our personal feelings and weaknesses with our idealized images of other people. That stings! Like rubbing salt in a wound!

When you feel inadequate the temptation is to try to make yourself stand out in some way. To showcase your beauty or “strut your stuff”!

Or maybe you feel discouraged and accept the idea that you’re not worth much.

As I’ve shared recently, I’ve been struggling with the temptation to feel not “good enough” in this season in which Kristi and I have launched a new Podcast ministry called “Soul Talks.”

More of Jesus, Less of Me!

I’m inspired by the way that John the Baptist dealt with this temptation. Here’s how I describe it in Your Best Life In Jesus’ Easy Yoke:

John’s best disciples left him to follow Jesus. Fewer and fewer people went to John to be baptized and more and more went to Jesus’ followers. And people noticed this. In fact, they started keeping score and told John he was losing!

But John did not react with jealousy or competitive ambition — he didn’t want to make himself stand out, he wanted to make Christ stand out! He said Jesus was the Bridegroom, the people of God were his bride, and John himself was only the friend of the Bridegroom. He said his joy was to attend to the Bridegroom’s needs and bless his relationship with his bride. (John 3:29)

He summarized his life purpose in perhaps the most humble and God-glorifying words of the whole Bible: “[Jesus] must become greater; I must become less.” (John 3:30)

Let’s pray to find our worth and value as John did, by being a friend of the Bridegroom who draws other people to Jesus. Let’s pray, “More of Jesus… Less of me.”

Try it now. Take a breather. Breathe in, “More of Jesus…” Breathe out, “Less of me…”

Subscribe to Soul Talks — It’s Free!

Each week we broadcast a new 20-minute Podcast called “Soul Talks.” We invite you into our unscripted conversations to cultivate your intimacy with Jesus in life, love, and leadership.

We just launched and already we have over 600 people tuning in each week! We’d love to have you join our community!

You can subscribe to our Podcast from your phone or computer by going into iTunes or Stitcher Radio and using the Search button to find “Soul Talks.” While you’re there give us a “Star” rating (Thumbs up on Stitcher) and write a short review. This will help other people to find us!

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Listen to and share our Podcast on “Good Enough

Read or share our book on Your Best Life In Jesus’ Easy Yoke

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