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Joshua Cooper

Spiritual Director

Topeka, KS

Josh serves with Soul Shepherding as a Spiritual Director. He brings a wealth of ministry experience from both established churches and church plants. Josh thrives in second-chair leadership and believes that anyone can lead from where they are. As the Discipleship Pastor at his church, he oversees small groups, connections, spiritual formation, and staff development. Josh is also an ordained minister in The Wesleyan Church.

He completed the Soul Shepherding Institute and Spiritual Direction certificate training after recognizing the growing need for mental health support in his church, especially following the global pandemic. Despite his seminary training and pastoral counseling experience, Josh realized that he needed something to meet the church’s growing demand. Attending the Institute retreat revealed to him that God was providing not just additional tools, but a whole new paradigm for supporting others in their faith journey. It awakened within him a new way to minister to the growing needs within his church.

Josh and his wife, Jaclyn, have four children and six chickens. When he’s not cheering on his kids at their events or leading a discipleship training at church, he enjoys good coffee and conversation, paddleboarding, hiking, and reading.

You can contact Joshua at revjoshcooper@gmail.com.


  • M.A. Health, Physical Education & Recreation (University of South Dakota)
  • M.Div. (Western Theological Seminary)
  • Ordained minister in The Wesleyan Church
  • Certificate in Spiritual Direction (SS)
  • Certified Prepare/Enrich Facilitator
  • Certified Gottman Leader

Work Experience

  • Discipleship Pastor
  • Campus Pastor
  • Assistant Pastor
  • Hebrew Instructor

Types of Care

Soul Shepherding