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Kristi’s Sabbatical Update

This is a journal update I would like to share from Kristi. My prayer is that it will minister to you as it has to me. I invite you to join me to keep Bill and Kristi in your prayers as they finish the last part of their Sabbatical. God Bless you! Michael Ann (Bill and Kristi’s Assistant)


We’re in the last week of our month-long Sabbatical. What a gift this time has been for us! As Bill and I seek God together, listening, sharing and praying together, our partnership is strengthened. Many of you have prayed for us or supported our ministry even while we’re away — thank you!

We are going through the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius. We meditate hours each day on Jesus’ life by imagining ourselves in passages from the Gospels and listening to the Lord, speak into our souls.

Our purpose is to rest in God’s love and train spiritually.

I’m Chosen to Be on Jesus’ Team?!

Our first day I was meditating on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 and 1 Timothy 4:7-8 where Paul talks about our discipleship to Jesus being like training to run a race. At first I was intimidated by the commitment and training we entered into. I was afraid of not being good enough and failing.

I have never been on a sports team. In PE when captains chose teams they didn’t pick me. I wasn’t wanted. I felt left out and embarrassed.

That is why it was so special to see Jesus, the Coach chose me to be on his team! He is training me, teaching me and renewing my soul so I can overflow with His blessings to others!

Un-Busy and Full of Emotion

Resting for thirty days means being un-busy. We’ve let go of work and ministry. It’s humbling and reminds us and the people we minister to, that Jesus is the Soul Shepherd and He has many under-shepherds.

Not being stimulated by work, ministry or entertainment, has opened me up to feel many emotions. Especially because Ignatius’ Exercises have us doing several self-reflection exercises (called “Examens”) and Scripture meditations that invite us to imagine ourselves in Gospel passages, including those that focus on sin, suffering, or the cross.

I’ve said to Bill, “Here I am again — the me I don’t like — even on Sabbatical!”

And yet at the same time I’m opening myself deeper to the love and mercy of Christ and growing in intimacy with the Lord.

Just today as we walked on the beach I spontaneously sang out, “Thank you Lord for saving my soul. Thank you Lord for making me whole. Thank you for giving to me Thy great salvation, so rich and free.”

Jesus has chosen you to be on His team too! I promise the training is worth it.

For help planning and getting the most out of your sabbatical, check out our Sabbatical Guide. It is our hope at Soul Shepherding that through our resources you would find encouragement and tools to help you receive fully, all that God has for you.

We also offer an online Sabbatical Guide course. This program has everything you need to experience rest and renewal on your Sabbatical.

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