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“A Map for Emotional and Spiritual Growth” Webinar to Diocese of Western Anglicans

Diocese of Western Anglicans

April 15, 2021
11:30am PDT

Bill and Kristi will be leading a webinar for the Diocese of Western Anglicans on Journey of the Soul.

The healthy Christian life is one of continuing spiritual, emotional, and relational growth, but sometimes we feel stuck or stagnated at one stage of the journey. Many people get lost, stalled, or sidetracked in their journey with Jesus but dont know how to proceed because they dont understand where they are. Bill and Kristi have a map for your soul that says, You are here! 

Drawing on their book, Journey of the Soul, Bill and Kristi will unpack the CHRIST stages of faith, which is their proven model for emotional and spiritual growth. For each stage youll learn its challenges, needs, and recommended soul care practices. Theyll help you know which developmental phase youre currently experiencing, and give you a path ahead with your next steps towards growth.  

Youll be inspired and equipped with fresh language for understanding feelings and faith.  And youll be encouraged as you learn about and receive more of Gods grace for the journey of your soul. 

To learn more visit journeyofthesoul.org, where youll also find free videos, worship song playlists, and sermon notes for each of the CHRIST stages. 


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