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My Mom Finds Joy In Pain

When I was small my mother held me and cared for me.

Of course, she didn’t love me perfectly. But along the way God has provided spiritual mothers and fathers to help me grow further in his grace.

Over the years in my counseling office many people have told me how badly they were hurt by their mothers and I’ve helped them to heal emotionally, to forgive, and to learn how to honor the good in their mom. They’ve needed emotional healing for their mother wounds.

We all can thank God for the gift of life through our mothers. And we can thank God that the Lord Jesus has shown us that the “Almighty Nurturing One” of Psalm 91 is our God today and forever.

My Mom’s Joy in Jesus

I’m so blessed to have my mom in my life today.

For over ten years my mom has been suffering with dystonia in her face. It’s an extremely painful neurological disease that makes it hard for her to eat and talk. There’s no cure. We keep praying for healing, but it’s continued to get worse.

Two years ago she said to me, “I know all the Scripture, but I wasn’t getting the victory. I was asking God how I can be joyful with all the problems in my life. I was missing real joy. I wasn’t trusting God as good and loving no matter what.

Bill and Mom“I told the Lord, ‘I can’t conjure up joy.’

“He said, ‘You don’t have to conjure it up. I’ll give it to you!’

“The next morning it was like a song from my childhood fell out of the sky and into my heart: ‘You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey.’”

“Dad is sunshine sometimes, but God is my sunshine full time! So I began singing ‘You are my sunshine…’ as a love song to Jesus!”

“I had been pushing, pushing and then God just blessed me. Jesus gives me joy in my difficult circumstances! And he’s preparing me for heaven! So this disability is for my best interests.”

That’s Hebrews 11 faith: confidence in the reality that God is good to you — even when you haven’t yet received the blessing you’re praying for. That’s living inside the unshakable Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy that touches earth and expands into eternal glory! (Romans 14:17; Hebrews 2:28)

A Prayer of Joyful Delight

Mom, I thank God for you! Thank you for your Christly love, prayers, and enduring faith in God! Thank you for showing me that even when circumstances are dark I can bask in the joyful sunshine of Jesus delighting in me!

Try this sunshine prayer: “Jesus delights in me… I delight in you my Lord.” (Psalm 18:19; 37:4, 23)


This beautiful picture with my prayer was created by Brianne Gaultiere.

Are you ready to delight in the Lord who is delighting in you? Let me show you how in this post: “Jesus Smiles at You!” (This is one of 700 free Soul Shepherding resources for your personal devotions and ministry to others.)

 This week’s Soul Talks Podcast is:

“Mother’s Day: Gratitudes and Griefs”

“Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere” is a weekly 20-minute conversation on life, love, and leadership with Jesus. It was named “New and Noteworthy” on iTunes and is receiving 1,000 listens each week.

It’s easy to use the Podcast App on your phone to listen and subscribe to “Soul Talks.” Or on your computer use iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, or SoulShepherding.org’s “Soul Talks Podcast Archive“.

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