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A Surprising Portrait of Jesus to Bless You!

The stories of Jesus are life changing! But some of them are hidden to us. Consider this inspiring and dignifying portrait of Jesus, excerpted from my new book Your Best Life In Jesus’ Easy Yoke. This is one of the many examples of brand new content in the updated edition.

“Just a Tekton”

Most of Jesus’ earthly life seems “wasted” in obscurity. He lived a quiet life in a small town, working as a “Blue Collar Worker.”

Sometimes you and I feel ordinary, insignificant, lost in the mundane. But our Blue Collar Savior gives great meaning to us in these experiences.

The Greek word for Jesus’ trade is “tekton.” (Mark 6:2-3) We translate it as “carpenter” but it can also be “stonecutter,” which was more likely since there was lots of stone in Israel, but not much wood. Another hint comes from the archaeological digs of the ancient city of Sephorris, which is just over the hill from Nazareth.

“Jesus may have been a tekton laborer,” I said to the bi-vocational pastors in Mexico that Kristi and I minister to. They work fifty hours a week on construction sites or in factories for $2 an hour and pastor their neighborhood churches in evenings and weekends. They could easily identify Jesus doing “sweat work” and being treated as low class.

Imagine Jesus’ Hidden Life

Picture the Nazarene carrying large rocks on his back to the job site as the hot sun beats down on him. He cuts and sands the rocks into shape and places them in the theater. A wealthy boss is yelling at him to work harder! But he keeps laboring at his job to provide for his family after his father has died.

Or maybe Jesus helped to build the mosaic tile floors that have been excavated in the homes from ancient Sephorris. Imagine him on his hands and knees getting all scraped up as he puts small stone tiles in place to build a beautiful and intricate mosaic on the floor of a wealthy person’s house. The owner stands over him and spits in his face, “What did you do there? You stupid tekton! That’s not where I wanted the birds to be in the picture! They’re supposed to be over there!”

“Yes, sir!” Jesus replies with sincere respect and a warm smile. “You’re right. That will look much better. I’ll fix it right away.”

Or if Jesus was a carpenter probably he served customers by making things out of wood like cutting boards, bowls, chairs, and tables. Visualize him learning the trade from his father, cutting and sanding wood with his hands. Think about him serving customers who are difficult to please. Or see him loaning out his handmade tools to other workers and sometimes they’re damaged or not returned, but still he’s generous to share.

Jesus of Nazareth grew in the grace of giving to those who asked of him. He loved his neighbors. He loved his enemies and he blessed those who cursed him. (Luke 6:27-31)

When you and I feel insignificant or go through other trials we can see that the Tekton Jesus is already there loving us and inspiring us!

Your Best Life!

It’s really true: Your best life — the flourishing life you’ve always longed to live and to share with others — is in Jesus’ easy yoke!

I’d be honored to walk you through the stresses of your life and ministry and show you, step-by-step, prayer-by-prayer, how you can come fully alive with the risen Christ in the Father’s world. You and the people in your circle of influence long to know this way of eternal living.

Let’s do this! Let’s share with others the great spiritual renewal that comes with apprenticeship to Jesus in the Kingdom of God!

Your Best Life In Jesus’ Easy Yoke is available on Amazon. Either way all the profits go to our 501c3 nonprofit ministry.

You can get a large discount by ordering in bulk to share with a group or class that you’re leading. Contact us here for more information.

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